How To Protect Your Multi Therapeutic Hair Transplant Results

Posted on: 3 June 2020

If your hair is thinning or receding but you're not yet completely bald, you're an excellent candidate for a multi-therapeutic hair transplant. These can be used to regrow hair in areas where it's currently missing. Your doctor will surgically remove healthy hair follicles from areas where they won't be missed, such as along the back of your head. Then, the healthy hair follicles will be implanted in the desired areas. Multi-therapeutic hair transplants take advantage of other hair regrowth techniques, such as medication and platelet-rich plasma therapy.

You'll need to follow your doctor's directions in the weeks following your hair transplant. Hair transplants can give you permanent results if you're diligent during the healing process. Here are four tips that will help you protect your multi-therapeutic hair transplant results.

1. Keep your scalp dry until it has sufficiently healed.

Hair transplant surgery introduces hair follicles into bald areas of your scalp using small incisions. You need to keep these incisions clean to prevent infection, but you should wait at least three days before getting your scalp wet. Washing your scalp sooner might cause you to dislodge your transplanted hair, negating the benefits of the procedure. Avoid strenuous activity during this time in order to reduce the accumulation of sweat and sebum until you can wash your hair.

2. Be gentle with your newly transplanted hair initially.

Once three days have passed, you can wash your hair very gently. Avoid using your fingernails to scrub your scalp, since this can damage the transplanted follicles. Use the tips of your fingers and mild shampoo to clean away oils and dirt that have accumulated on your head. Use lukewarm water to avoid irritating your skin. Treat your hair and scalp very gently for at least a couple of weeks after your procedure.

3. Return for follow-up treatments on schedule.

Multi-therapeutic hair transplants incorporate other treatments into your hair replacement regimen. These treatments can increase the efficacy of your hair transplant. Certain treatments, like PRP therapy, must be repeated periodically for maximum results. Return to your doctor on schedule for follow-up treatments. Following their treatment plan will ensure you get the best results for your money.

4. See your doctor if you notice any cause for concern.

A hair transplant is a safe and fast procedure. However, as with any surgery, complications may sometimes arise. If you follow your postoperative instructions carefully, you probably won't develop any complications. If you notice pus-like discharge or significant pain, call your doctor to report these changes.

To learn more, contact a doctor that offers multi-therapeutic hair transplants.
