Finally Old Enough To Head To The Beauty Salon Alone? 3 Tips To Help You Get The Most Out Of The Experience
Posted on: 15 January 2018
When it comes to growing up, there are a few rights of passage that everyone looks forward to, such as learning to drive, staying home alone for the first time, and going out on a first date. However, there are a few other rights of passage that tend to be overlooked, such as that first solo trip to the beauty salon. Going out and having your hair done on your own is a big deal. It signifies that you're finally old enough to make your own decisions regarding your hairstyle and color. If you're preparing for your first solo trip to the beauty salon, here are three simple tips that will help you enjoy your experience.
Make an Appointment
Okay, there are a lot of salons that don't require you to make an appointment. However, when you're going in for your first solo trip, you want to schedule that appointment. Scheduling an appointment ahead of time will ensure that the stylist is prepared to give you the one-on-one attention you need and deserve. The last thing you want is to go in during a rush hour while everyone is struggling to get done quickly so they can move on to the next person.You want to be able to take your time to enjoy the moment.
Bring Plenty of Pictures
If this is going to be your first time having your hair done on your own, you want to make sure the stylist knows exactly what you're looking for. Unfortunately, if you're nervous, or inexperienced, you might not know how to ask for what you want. That's where the pictures come in handy. Before you go in for your appointment, go through some magazines to find pictures of the style you're looking for. Take those pictures with you to your appointment. Try to get pictures that show a full view of the style you want, including back, sides, and top. The pictures will give your stylist a better view of what you're looking for.
Stick to Texting
If you're like most people, you can't do without your cell phone. Unfortunately, if you're talking on the phone while your stylist is trying to do your hair, you might not get the outcome you were expecting. While you're in the styling chair, stick to texting. That way, you're stylist will have full access to your hair, and you can keep in contact with your friends. Better yet. Put your phone away until your session is complete. That way, your stylist can communicate with you about your haircut, and you can get the style you want.