Beard Won't Grow? Try These Two Tips To Grow Your Beard Longer And Fuller

Posted on: 1 March 2016

Thick beards have come back into style in the past few years, and if you have tried to grow your out with no luck, you may wonder what is wrong with you. The truth is that just like the hair on people's heads, there are a variety of factors that determine how long the hair can get before your body begins shedding it. These factors are a combination of genetics, your health, and your diet. While you cannot control your genetics, here are some tips for stimulating beard growth by controlling the other factors.

1. Get Checked Out for These Common Health Conditions 

If you have a health condition that is leading to stunted hair growth or even hair loss, then you need the help of your doctor to get it under control. The most common health problems that cause hair, including facial hair, to grow slower or fall out include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, heavy-metal poisoning, and diseases of the digestive system (especially your colon) that lead to your body not absorbing the vitamins in your foods properly. 

If you have recently had a check-up and know you are in great health, then move onto the next step to help your beard grow. 

2. Increase Your Intake of Nutrients That Stimulate Hair Growth

Aside from health problems, nutritional deficiencies are another common cause of slow hair growth. While it is important to eat a well-balanced diet that contains all vitamins and nutrients your body needs, there are specific vitamins that are linked to healthy hair growth more than others. 

These vitamins include:

  1. B-vitamins. While all B vitamins encourage healthy hair growth, make sure to pay special attention to your intake of biotin and niacin, which are two specific types of B vitamins. 
  2. Vitamin D. Did you grow your beard out once during the summer and now have a difficult time growing it out again in the winter? That is a sign that you have a vitamin D deficiency, which is very common in the winter. Your body generates this vitamin naturally when you get plenty of time outdoors in the sun, so cloudy winters with short days are prime-time for vitamin D deficiencies, which are actually very common. 
  3. Iron. Not getting enough iron cannot only lead to anemia, but also to stunted hair growth. 

If you have a difficult time eating enough nutrient-rich foods, especially those that contain these specific vitamins, then taking a daily vitamin is a good idea. There are even beard growth vitamins that contain the proper balance of the right vitamins to help you grow a healthy beard. Talk to a hair and skin specialist for more information and help.

If you want a thicker or longer beard, then think that how much facial hair you can grow is 100-percent linked to genetics. While genetics play a role in how easily you can grow a full, long beard, there are factors linked to hair growth that you can control to help you stimulate beard growth. 
