4 Surefire Ways To Make Cycling More Comfortable

Posted on: 29 January 2016

So, you've recently taken up cycling, but you're surprised by how sore you seem to get--even after just a short ride. Cycling is an extremely physical sport, and like any other highly physical activity, having the right gear can really make all the difference. If you're tired of soreness during or after your rides, there are some steps you can take to increase comfort and possibly even add a few more miles to your daily cycling routine.

Find the Right Seat

One of the most common complaints beginning cyclists have is that of soreness in the buttocks area after riding. This is almost always attributed to using the wrong seat. There's no universal answer to the question of which seat is best, as it's really a matter of personal preference. However, if you're experiencing soreness and you currently have a harder saddle on your bike, consider switching to a padded option--or vice versa--to see if that helps.

Stretch After You Ride

Just as you should stretch after you go for a run or complete any other rigorous workout, you need to take some time to stretch after you go on a long bike ride as well. This is especially true in the head and neck area, which tends to get sore and stiff during a long ride. Be sure to take a few minutes after your ride to gently roll your head clockwise and counter-clockwise to release tension. You may also want to roll your shoulders for the same effect.

Use a Chamois Cream

Chafing is another common complaint among cyclists, but you can cut back on chafing by making sure you're wearing the right clothing. Specifically, stick with tighter-fitting clothing that's lightweight and specifically designed for cycling. You may also want to consider trying out a chamois cream for cyclists, which can be applied to the skin to reduce friction between the skin and the clothes.

Wear the Right Shoes

You might not think shoes are that important when cycling, but you'd be surprised! Make sure you have a quality athletic shoe that fits you properly. Specifically, you may need to go up slightly from your "typical" shoe size because your feet will naturally swell a bit when you've been cycling for awhile. By making sure you have enough room to accommodate the swelling, you can reduce instances of blisters, ingrown toenails, and other foot ailments caused by cycling in poor fitting shoes.
